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After you take your Quiz, and if it shows "You Are Eligible", the next step is to pay for the first Initial Consultation (with Labs).


  1. After Payment (within 24 hours):
    • We will send you a lab requisition form to get your updated blood testing done at your nearest Lab Corp.
    • You will also receive via email, an intake form for you to fill out, sign and send back to us.
  2. Once we receive the lab test results from Lab Corp:
    • We will contact you via email with a link to schedule your first Initial consultation. This consultation will discuss with you what weight loss program is best for you.
  3. After the consultation is completed:
    • We will send you the appropriate link for payment for the Semaglutide product.
  4. Once we receive payment for the product:
    • You will receive directions on how to use your new Semaglutide product.
    • We will provide you with the appointment link to schedule your weekly consultations & coaching.
    • You will be provided with other resources to help you on your weight loss journey.

Initial Consultation (with Labs)

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